Files of my life

Sunday, June 10, 2012

"Health is like a song ; your body is the tone, your mind is the lyric, your heart is the beat, your spirit is the melody, and they all must be played in perfect harmony"

     A rock band cannot be famous, if  its members do not feel the team spirit and the harmony produced by all the instruments played in the band. Inside us, people, lives the same band, which waits to be fed both physically and morally. 
        These band members are always keeping themselves closely tied-hands. If one of them weakens the strait, the others become weaker. These figures are known as: Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit, together forming the band Health. Each of them must be on duty 24 out of 24 hours a day: Mind deals with the lyrics, Body is the tone, Heart is the beat and Spirit is the melody of the song.
       As any group needs a leader, so in this case, the leader of the band is none other than the Man. He has everything in his hands. How well he feeds his inner world, what kind of thoughts does he implant in himself – all depends upon him.

      The wrong ways are often taken by Man, vices like smoking, drugs, alcohol, and master over his kingdom. Along the time, they set up so well in Man, so that they form their own comfort and many other conveniences. 
      The band’s Health integrity decreases, thus Man is waking up being already won, under the slogan "Check-mate".
       Finally, to end in a more positive note, I would like to assert that no matter how weak we would be, we must keep calm at all costs. Nobody and nothing can make us press the "self-destruction" button. The sweet and harmonious Health song can sound the same for all of us.

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