Files of my life

Monday, June 11, 2012

”Education is an indivisible part of the prosperity of the nation. The more educated and cultured people there are in the country the more flourishing and thrifty the country is. Prove your decision.”

         Every single one of us has something that is good at and has something to offer. Through our life we have a responsibility tot discover what that is. That is the opportunity an education can provide.
     Maybe one could be a great writer, maybe an innovator, an inventor or even a mayor, but you might not know that until you join student environment and understand that you need an education to do it. You are going to need a good education for every single one of those careers.
     A successful and developed nation is based on bright minded, skillful and wise people. A person cannot drop out of school and just drop into a good job. One gets to train for it and work for it and learn for it.
     This is not just important for our own life and our own future. What we make of our education will decide nothing less than the future of the country we live. The future and the prosperity of the nation depend on us.
   What we are learning in school today will determine whether we as a nation can meet our greatest challenges in the future. The more educated and cultured people there are in the country the more flourishing and thrifty the country is.
   As for example, we can take Japan, which after the World War II reformed its educational system with reference to the American one. Up till now, Japan has one of the best educated people. The Japanese control individual responsibility by observing the group rules, which include the insights and critical thinking skills, social studies to fight poverty and homelessness, crime and discrimination, and other measures that make the nation more fair and more free.

    That is why we have to set our own goals for our education and do everything we can to meet them.  Our goal can be something as simple as doing all your homework, paying attention in class, or spending some time each day reading a book. Maybe we will decide to take better care of ourselves so we can be more ready to learn and become educated.

”Your time, energy, relationships and finances are your most valuable assets. Handling them wisely enhances your ability to succeed.”

   An old saying says that ”Time is money” and it is not in vain. I believe that time is my most valuable asset , while all the others are a derivative of time, like energy, relationships and finances.
           Depending on what we want to develop in our life – finances, relationships, physical well-being or spiritual development, all come from time.   Each day, every hour and every minute of our life to build whatever direction we end up in this life.

     If we have time, we can gain energy, make finances and build up relationships. When I was younger, I had the illusion of endless moments of time. I felt I had a warehouse of days that would never decrease. Today’s perspective is that I may still have a large room full of minutes, though I recognize that there is less than before. 
     I don’t know how long I will live, but living each day shortens my time by one day.  I recognize that time is my most precious and valuable asset.

    To sum up, I affirm that we have to treasure our time as it is a priceless asset, because it is- priceless! Without time we would not be able to devote our energy to preparing dinner, have fun with our beloved ones and spend our money.

”Why do you think the English language is taught in many countries of the world ?”

Communication is the exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. The successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings may be done by people through a variety of verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

The English language became a widespread language because the UK had the most colonies in the world. The nation compelled their language and traditions in the territories they occupied, as for example: USA, Canada, Australia, India and other islands.

On the other hand, in this computer age, English is the only language that anyone can understand. So to say, it has become as an ideal language for expressing our feelings in the virtual world. This is the language in which most of the information and websites are available.

The presence of English as a universal language assumes importance in the fact that more and more people leave their countries not only for the sake of business and pleasure, but also for studying. Education has increased the role of English.

I think English is an easy way to communicate with people from all round the world. English, in this case is like Latin in Medicine.

”The future role of technology in the world. Write about advantages and disadvantages.”

Modern Technology has become very useful and important in our lives, which have been improved and work became a lot easier. We can now see a bigger and brighter aspect of our future. Just imagine what more improvements we can make after some years onwards.
Our society has already been provided the perfect tools and methods for us to do more in the future. Just try to recall how these were all just considered as science fiction before and now came into birth, and more others will become a true reality.
As doing it now the future role of technology will enable industry to exploit new and emerging machineries, by closing this gap through the provision of a business-focused capability that bridges research and technology commercialization.
Still, technology will not work and improve without us. We are the ones that give life to it and control it. There are lots of improvements we can still do, but it needs to be given serious and careful thinking. We should be the one controlling our modern technology instead of it controlling us.
Thus, the future role of technology in the world depends on our well-being on the Earth. We have to remember that technology also creates new diseases and disorders such as obesity, laziness and  a loss of personality . People will lose their jobs to machines that will do the work for them.
In conclusion, we have to realize that with the advancement in the field of latest technology, we have to face many disadvantages out of the benefit of modern technology, such as stress factor, we have fear of nuclear war, virtual crime and high growth of eye disease, increase of body weight and new transportation technology which has brought pollution and overcrowding in major cities.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

"Health is like a song ; your body is the tone, your mind is the lyric, your heart is the beat, your spirit is the melody, and they all must be played in perfect harmony"

     A rock band cannot be famous, if  its members do not feel the team spirit and the harmony produced by all the instruments played in the band. Inside us, people, lives the same band, which waits to be fed both physically and morally. 
        These band members are always keeping themselves closely tied-hands. If one of them weakens the strait, the others become weaker. These figures are known as: Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit, together forming the band Health. Each of them must be on duty 24 out of 24 hours a day: Mind deals with the lyrics, Body is the tone, Heart is the beat and Spirit is the melody of the song.
       As any group needs a leader, so in this case, the leader of the band is none other than the Man. He has everything in his hands. How well he feeds his inner world, what kind of thoughts does he implant in himself – all depends upon him.

      The wrong ways are often taken by Man, vices like smoking, drugs, alcohol, and master over his kingdom. Along the time, they set up so well in Man, so that they form their own comfort and many other conveniences. 
      The band’s Health integrity decreases, thus Man is waking up being already won, under the slogan "Check-mate".
       Finally, to end in a more positive note, I would like to assert that no matter how weak we would be, we must keep calm at all costs. Nobody and nothing can make us press the "self-destruction" button. The sweet and harmonious Health song can sound the same for all of us.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

❤ Adepții ale Fericirii ❤

   Fericirea? Culoarea ei trebuie să fie verdele primăverii , imposibil de descris. Aceată culoare se repetă în fiecare frunză nouă, puterea regenerativă explodează în fiecare fir de iarbă, în fiecare rămurică, în fiecare tulpină.  Lucrînd în mijlocul naturii simt verdele fuzionînd cu trupul meu. Pline de energie , razele soarelui mă fac să fiu fericită. Fericirea e un cuvînt...sublim! De multe ori mi-am pus întrebarea : ”De ce oare m-am născut?” , iar răspunsul pe care l-am primit a fost atît de simplu încît nici nu-mi venea să cred : ”Te-ai născut pentru a fi fericită!” Ca să fii fericit, trebuie să fii liber. să iubești tot ce te înconjoară, căci dacă există în această lume o singură ființă sau un singur lucru pe care nu-l iubești, nu vei putea fi niciodată pe deplin fericit. Și totuși unde putem găsi fericirea? Marele Horațiu spunea : ”Alergam după fericire pînă departe , fie pe mare , fie pe uscat,  dar fericirea e aici aproape.” Deci fericirea o găsim în noi, în căldura și iubirea prietenilor noștri , în gîndurile noastre. Să fim generoși, plini de dragoste față de tot în jurul nostru, pentru a da înapoi tot ceea ce primim în această viață și astfel vom ajunge să răspîndim și noi , la rîndul nostru , cît mai des , bucurie, fericire și recunoștință.
   Fericiți sunt cei ai căror inimă cunoaște pasiunea prieteniei, căci numai ea știe să facă singurătatea mai puțin ucigătoare și viața mai suportabilă.
   Fericirea e ceva ce nu se atinge niciodată, dar pentru căutarea ei , merită să alergi toată viața!